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How to Keep Calm During the Stressful Holiday Season

As wonderful as the holiday season may be, it doesn’t come without its challenges. From

financial pressure associated with the rising costs of living, let alone gift giving, to dealing with difficult family members and not-so-fun office parties, the most joyous time of year can turn into the most stressful without the right mindset. With this in mind, here are some simple tips to help keep you calm, comfortable and positive during the trying moments.

1. Breath- I know it may sound silly (breathing is involuntary) but in moments where you

feel your blood boiling or your tolerance reaching its threshold rather than run with those

negative feelings that will escalate the situation, focus on your breathing and bring

yourself back to a calmer place. I promise you that keeping your cool will benefit you far

more than engaging with someone in a toxic conversation that goes nowhere. Breath, find

your center and walk away.

2. Leave guilt at the door- Watching your weight around the holidays can be harder than

usual, thanks to endless cookie trays and scrumptious cakes. Rather than giving in to

temptation and then instantly regretting it, choose to be kind to yourself. Being mad that

you ate 2 pieces of pie instead of 1 won’t do you any good. Instead, cut yourself a little

slack. While the holidays aren’t an excuse to overindulge, they are for only a short while

so don’t fret too much.

3. Look to be a light for someone else- Rather than spending your time at a party worrying

only about yourself, look around to see if there is anyone there that you think could

benefit from your company. It can turn even the blandest office party into a

meaningful experience.

Happy holidays!


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