I'm so excited to share with you my new book, "Your Walk in Life: A Guide to Transforming Your Pain into Peace," which has been a labor of love for so long. I wanted to write this book as a proactive guide to help people live their best, truest life, free from all the pain of the past that often gets in the way of us being able to prosper in the future. The last few years have been challenging on so many levels, and as we emerge back into the world, look at this as a helping hand, a friendly voice, and a shoulder to lean on. My own path has been met with both joy and heartache, but it is perspective and a positive mindset that has kept me whole and enabled me to live out my dreams. I am very much looking forward to sharing this with you and hearing your stories of courage and triumph. I know with hard work you will not only heal but you will soar.
To purchase please visit: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Walk-Life-Guide-Transforming/dp/1771435070/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QZ800ICI5HFB&keywords=your+walk+in+life+alexa+servodidio&qid=1649088804&sprefix=your+walk+in+life+alexa+servodidio%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1Amazon.com: Your Walk in Life: A Guide to Transforming Your Pain into Peace: 9781771435079: Servodidio, Alexa: Books